Maharashtra Association of Anthropological Sciences (MAAS)
The Maharashtra Association of Anthropological Sciences, established in 1976,is an academic, non-governmental organization based in Pune, Maharashtra. Itis involved in giving training in research methodology, health and development through course work, seminars, symposia and workshops. It undertakes baseline studies and intervention research in the areas of public health and development through a holistic perspective. The society currently has four hundred members coming from the discipline of anthropology and allied disciplines working in the area of public health. The Maharashtra Association of Anthropological Sciences strives to use knowledge for understanding and proposing solutions to human problems in tribal, rural and urban communities. Through its activities, MAAS has been bringing together policy planners, administrators, activists and academicians to discuss issues around gender, culture, environment, health and education in the perspective of development. MAAS is recognized as Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (SIROs) by the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR) under Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India. Maharashtra Association of Anthropological Sciences is also recognized as a Research Centre of Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU) for the disciplines of Anthropology and Health Sciences.
President: Dr M D Gupte, Senior Epidemiologist
General Secretary: Dr. G.S. Pandit, Pune.
Joint Secretary: Dr Saju Joseph