Anthropological Association (AA)

The Anthropological Association (AA) is an organization registered under the Karnataka Societies Act, 1960. It came into being in the year 1999. The Association seeks to enhance the understanding of humankind and their global concern without borders. It perceives anthropology holistically as the study of the material, cognitive, biological, linguistic and socio-cultural dimension of humanity. It views the anthropological method of holism as a particular kind of epistemology. The Anthropological Association advocates anthropologically informed engagement in developmental work, while it acknowledges the human agency or the capacity of people distanced by miles and milieus to order their life-ways. The Anthropological Association undertakes project work, organizes Conferences, National Seminars and panel discussions from time to time. The Anthropological Association has published many books.
President: Prof. P. K. Misra, Former Head, Department of Anthropology, NEHU.
General Secretary: Mr. R. Rajandra Prasad, Anthropological Survey of India, Mysuru.