Prof. R.K. Mutatkar
Former Chairperson, Dep. of Anthropology, Pune University
Founder Director of Inter-disciplinary School of Health Sciences, Pune University

Professor R.K. Mutatkar, Patron of UIAF,was trained under legends of Indian anthropology Prof. Iravati Karve and Prof. S.C. Dube. He did his Masters in Anthropology from Sagar University and then moved to teach at Pune University in 1960. In 1977, he was appointed the chairperson of the newly carved independent Department of Anthropology. In 1994, he became the Founder Director of Inter-disciplinary School of Health Sciences at Pune University. Some of the most significant contributions of his career include organization of post-ICAES (1978) symposium in Medical anthropology; preparation of UGC model Anthropology Curriculum in 2001. He was instrumental in promoting Social-Behavioural Research Division at ICMR. He has been Chairman of INCAA and President of Indian Association of the Study of Traditional Asian Medicine. He is also the Patron of the Society for Indian Medical Anthropology (SIMA). He also chaired Working Group on Ayush in Public Health at the Planning Commission. Vice-President of India honoured him with International Gandhi Award for Leprosy, and Government of Maharashtra venerated him with Adivasi Sevak Puraskar. His latest book, Anthropological Paradigm for Policy and Practice was published in February 2020.