Prof. Hillemane Krishna Bhat
Honorary Member
Former Chairperson, Department of Studies in Anthropology University of Mysore

Professor H.K. Bhat obtained his M.A. (1972) and PhD (1979) from Karnatak University, Dharwad. His doctoral research was on Ethnomedicine in a Karnataka Village, under the guidance of Late Professor Gopala Sarana. He started his career with Anthropological Survey of India and served there for about seven years, as JRF (1972-75), SRF (1975-77) and Anthropologist (1981-82). Later, he served as Lecturer in North-eastern Hill University (1982 - 88). Then he moved to the University of Mysore and served there as Reader (1988-1998) and Professor (1998-2011). He Co-ordinated a Community Diagnosis Project, of Professor Mark Nichter of USA, during 1978-79 It resulted in an innovative anthropological method, now popularly known as the Rapid Ethnographic Research. He is the Founder-Secretary of Society for Indian Medical Anthropology (SIMA) started in 1978 and continues to hold the position till date. As a Visiting Fellow of ACU (London), Bhat introduced Medical Anthropology courses in the medical and dental curricula of the School of Medical Sciences, at the University of West Indies, Trinidad, in 1992.