Dr. Praveen Hoogar
Ex Officio Vice President
Chairperson, Repertoire and Website Standing Committee – RWSC
Assistant Professor and Coordinator
Centre for Bio Cultural Studies(CBiCS)
Directorate of Research
Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal

Dr. Praveen Hoogar is presently working as Assistant Professor and Coordinator, Centre for Bio Cultural Studies (CBiCS), Directorate of Research, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal. He had his Master’s and Ph.D. from Karnatak University Dharwad. He worked in various levels in different institutes as follows; Worked as Teaching Assistant in Department of Anthropology, Karnatak University, Dharwad for 2 years. As Research Associate in the Transdisciplinary Centre for Qualitative Methods, MAHE Manipal. He worked for one year as a research investigator at Karnataka State Tribal Research Institute, Government of Karnataka, Mysore. His areas of research interest are: Ethnography and Demography, Human Variation, Anthropometry, Somatometry and Somotoscopy, Community and Tribal Studies. He was a member of Organising Committee of many national and international workshops and conferences organised by Karnatak University and his present institution. He has authored two books and published many articles in impact factor journal of national and international repute. He is a certified ATLAS.ti (a qualitative data management and analysis software) Trainer in Asia-Pacific region.