Dr. Nibedita Nath
Joint Secretary - General
Chairperson, School of Anthropology, GMU, Sambalpur

Dr. Nibedita Nath, is Assistant Professor and the Chairperson of School of Anthropology, Gangadhar Meher University (GMU), Sambalpur, India. Her academic achievements include first class first position at B.A., M.A. and M. Phil levels, OSANY AWARD for being the Best Graduate of Humanities and ICSSR doctoral fellowship. She has worked at RMRC, Bhubaneswar and NAWO, Odisha Chapter in projects funded by Win Rock International India, Ford Foundation, WHO/UNDP/World Bank, SWISS AID and Trocaire. Her teaching career includes part-time lecturer at Sambalpur University, Lecturer at KISS, Bhubaneswar and Govt. Women’s College, Sambalpur. She has visited the University of Oslo, Norway. She has published more than 25 papers, has authored a book titled Growing Up in Slums and also edited two books. She is also associate editor of two volumes of the series Contemporary Society: Tribal Studies. Her current research interests are Children and Childhood, Gender Issue and Tribal Studies.